What's better than staying warm on a chilly October night while embodying OTG in an adult-sized costume? Not many things, in my opinion. With Halloween around the corner, don't forget yours, either. But if you're a more ambitious type, there are also several how-to online guides for making your own Oscar costume.



And my all-time favorite simply because the author feels the need to point out that you should decorate it with "UNUSED toilet paper:"


Happy Halloween

While shopping with my 4 year old this past weekend, we stumbled upon this shirt and had a hard time resisting!

In case you're wanting to purchase one of these adorable shirts for your toddler, head to (here comes the shout out) Old Navy! If I remember correctly, they were $10.50. I hunted them down on the website, only to find another version of the shirts--they were in the "baby boy" section--under "graphic tees".."pop culture." I'm sure these girly Oscar shirts as modeled by my lil Grouch above are available in stores--I'm just not seeing them online.

My lil Grouch loves her t-shirt--I'm so happy to see that my obsession has been proudly passed down and Oscar will live on forever!

An Oscar Obsession - Designer: Douglas Bowman | Dimodifikasi oleh Abdul Munir Original Posting Rounders 3 Column